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Kay Hubball & Natalie Baker Baldwin compete in Major Series “Mud Run”

Kay Hubball, our expert on Lasting Powers of Attorney & Court Orders for people with diminishing capacity and Natalie Baker Baldwin our Trainee Solicitor are both competing in the Major Series “Mud Run” on Saturday 26 September 2015, to help raise money for BUDS (Better Understanding of Dementia for Sandwell)

BUDS is Baches chosen Charity as we see first-hand the support and good work that they do with many of our clients, people suffering with Dementia and their families and carers. Buds provide Befriending, Clubs and Training, Carer Support and Referral Services.

The Mud Run will involve a 5 km run through the muddiest and murkiest waters, up and down steep hills and over and through some challenging obstacles, including: mud slide, crawling through camo nets, giant ice bath, stench trenches, dodging rifle range where they will be blasted with paint. They are brave ladies !

Please, please show your support by sponsoring our ladies at and

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